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Week 1! The first week in the MTC.

      Hey everyone! The MTC is going great and I actually really like it here! But the days here are jam packed with classes from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. And I look back and it all feels like one continuous day. 
    My companion is Elder Gammon and he got called to be our district leader so now I sit in the hallways by myself whenever he has meetings.I room with another companionship, Elders Madsen and Harrison. I am the only missionary in the MTC going to Zimbabwe and the other 3 in my room are going to Zambia, there is one guy in my district going to Botswana and the rest of my district are going to Australia. Also there are two stray cats that live on campus and nobody gets rid of them so we named them sister mittens and Mormon and they get in fights all the time. 

Andrew's companion and other companionship. (Elder Williams, Elder Gammon, Elder Harrison and Elder Madsen).

     Wednesday: I got dropped off and said goodbye to my family but right when I got to the top of campus Elder Bills (Isaac) nearly tackled me to say hi. But I dropped my stuff off and went right to class. But that night I found out I am living in less of an MTC dorm room and more of a college dorm room. There was a wrestling match going on outside our room, some guys were playing party games that you can do here. and outside some guys were climbing in the trees and I can't forget the guy who walked around into our room with nothing on but a zebra print, speedo style underwear, after his showered, I literally cannot forget that... it is awful.
Andrew's room while he is in the MTC. 

    Thursday: classes as usual but that night in the dorm room we did the new Elder initiation which is called the Shaman Ramen and you have to eat a little bit of spicy Ramen that the Elders from Japan two floors up gave our district 2 weeks ago. but needless to say it was extremely weird. 

    Friday: We got to have exercise for the first time today so we did a companion exchange and me and Elder Madsen ran a mile and did a little workout after that. we have done that everyday now because he is the only other one willing to run a mile. We also got a new person to teach and it is weird because I know he is already a member of the church but I have to teach him like he is a child anyways. That is the weird thing about all this is they are all really good actors but I know they are all actually teachers here at the MTC, but not all the other missionaries figured that out so it is kinda awkward when my companion wants to go say goodbye to our "person seeking the gospel" just to see them teaching a class the next day.

   Saturday: There was the homecoming day parade for BYU and it was right outside our window so we got to watch that and it was funny to see the parade turn to the empty side of the street, look up to the 5th floor, and wave at us. 

   Sunday: we watched a devotional by David A. Bednar and it was really,really amazing. It helped me to see how much I really do need to grow and how unchristlike I actually am. Also I joined the MTC choir and that is really fun and it is a devotional of sorts more then a choir practice and there are about 1000 missionaries in the choir. 

   Monday: It was just a normal day and I finalized all my visa stuff with the MTC. We taught another fake investigator and got another one to teach so now we have 3.

 Today: We got to go to the Temple and do a session today. and after the session we got to help fold temple clothes in the laundry room with some Latino temple workers and one spoke very broken English but would not stop talking to us. So hopefully the people in Africa sound a little more clear then she did so I can understand at least half of what they say. 
Elder Williams doing his laundry on P-day. 

Once again the MTC is great! You can feel the spirit everyday here! and so far it has been fun! 

Well here is a scripture to study for the week (SOTW thanks justin) D and C 31. It talks all about missionary work and how it is a great blessing in your life and how it can help so many people.

I will try to send some pictures but if it doesn't work then I will do that next week. Have a great week!

I forgot to tell y’all I got an I pad for the Mtc stay, and I miss Halloween completely this year because I leave on the 30th and arrive in Zim on the 1st.


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