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Week 2. Angels among us.

Hey everyone! It was another great week here at the MTC and now I only have a few days left, I fly out on Monday at 4:45 in the morning and get there a long time later.  
The Red Sea in the MTC. 
Elder Williams and a fellow Elder friend.

Well I will start with the most interesting highlight of the week. I found an angel. Me and Elder Gammon went to the 6th floor study area to study one day and we met a teacher named sister Orr. She was really nice and taught us some journaling stuff, a fun restoration game to play, and how to say: welcome to the MTC, Welcome to the empty sea, and Jesus Christ loves you, all in sign language. She teaches sign language here and she was nice. But the thing is Elder Gammon wanted to meet her again, so we started asking all the White tags(teachers) and info desks where she is but nobody knows her. We asked at least 50 workers that day and not a single one of them has ever heard of her. So Elder Gammon is positive that she is an angel and just went back to heaven. 

Another thing is we found out all of our TRC's are actually members of the church. We are supposed to teach people who want to learn more about the church, but with a little asking around and walking around in T3 we found other missionaries teaching the people we are teaching.

We had to say goodbye to the district that just left the week before us and I became pretty good friends with a few of them and it was sad to see them go even though I have only known them for two weeks. 

Elder Williams district before they left. 

500 spoons went missing from the cafeteria last week because there is a game of reverse pick pocketing going on where you try and slip a spoon into someone else's pocket without them noticing. And some plastic spoons made it into our dorm room and it turned into an all-out war, everyone just chucks the plastic spoons everywhere and everyone. 

At the MTC make sure you always check your vents! We checked one of ours and found a full bag of candy. But it expired in 2016 so we didn't want to eat it. But the entire zone sits in the little couch area before 10:30 so I took the candy and gave it out to them and told them my sister mailed it to me. I figured it was fine because at the food pantry they get rid of any food if it is 2015 or older. But when everyone found out it was two years expired they all just chucked it all at the bathroom wall and shattered all of them because they were rock hard.
The Elder's catching bugs. 
Elder Williams and his companions enjoying an early MTC Christmas. 

That's about it, for the Scripture of the week just read the first chapter in the Book of Mormon. We did a role play that was 30 minutes long on the first 12 verses in that chapter and we taught the entire time, but I have never studied that so deep and was able to connect verses together in new ways and it was actually really cool.

Have a great week!

-Elder Williams


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